# hello, this is e :)
Welcome to my website, here you'll find useful stuff about Overwatch but also learn about how I work on my videos and more!
## Useful stuff you'll find here
### Educative
| [[Recommended Websites]] |
| ------------------------ |
| [[Recommended Channels]] |
### Stuff I use
| [[Software]] |
| ------------ |
| [[PC Specs]] |
### Streaming & Recording
| [[Settings]] (OBS) |
| ------------------ |
| [[Plugins]] (OBS) |
### Overwatch
| [[Replay Setup]] |
| --------------------------------------- |
| [[Keyboard Bindings]] |
| [[Record in 4K (without a 4K monitor)]] |
| [[Websites]] |
| [[Voicelines Index]] |
| [[Small UI]] |
| [[Streamer Names]] |
### Other
| [[Twitch Commands]] |
| ------------------- |
| [[Nice Peeps]] |